import academic

Horsu Raysu

let projectDetails = [
  • "start": "MAR 2014",
  • "end": "MAY 2014",
  • "course": "Software Engineering",
  • "type": "Web Application",
  • "language": "Python, PHP, HTML/CSS",
  • "frameworks": "three.js, node.js",
  • "team": "Devan Huapaya, Elliott Fawcett, Jinsoo Kim, Ruiz Joo, Zachary Partal",
  • "github": "Link",
  • "demo": "Link"

A WebGL-enabled game based around placing bets on horses. Every round, each horse will move between 0 to 3 spaces. Players will have the opportunity to place bets between each round. The earlier the bets are placed, the higher the payoff. The game is network-enabled and allows users to create game lobbies for simultaneous amongst clients. Horsu Raysu served as a component of an overlying “casino” project where the casino hosted other related games and served as a “bank” for depositing and withdrawing a player’s funds between games.

Here’s an early prototype. [0] – [7] keys will move the horses randomly between 1 and 3 spaces. [SPACE] will reset all of the horses.

{ Hello Ruiz. Made with Wordpress & Bootstrap. Compiled with ♥. }